The Gap – Are You Ready To Die?

The Gap – Are You Ready To Die?

“To live life to the fullest, you must stand guard at the gate of your mind and let only the very best information enter. You truly cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought —not even one…on an average day the average person runs about sixty thousand thoughts...
I am a Doctor

I am a Doctor

Today I successfully defended my PhD. I am a doctor. I have been waiting nine years to write that and it may matter more to others than to me. I leave bits and pieces of how I came into this field in my writing, but I wanted to take this time to tell the story. I grew...
Take The Blue Pill

Take The Blue Pill

Sunday Night Free-Writes! Sachin Patel recently posted that food sensitivity testing leads to a toxic relationship with food. I have a huge amount of respect for this man but I disagree (I dont completely disagree but for the sake of fun I will here). IgG food...
The Female Carbohydrate Conundrum.

The Female Carbohydrate Conundrum.

Most middle aged women need to maintain a carbohydrate intake somewhere in the neighborhood of 400 to 700 grams per week if they want to see body composition results. One of the main off shoots of the A to Z study out of Stanford is testing the importance of...
Your Diet Isn’t Good Enough – Science

Your Diet Isn’t Good Enough – Science

So I spent a few hours plugging and chugging different meal plans into our 15,000 dollar software at UT because I hate my fitness pal. While, I was down this rabbit hole I came up with this example of why Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and a quality multi are so important...

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