How Much Volume Is Too Much Volume?

How Much Volume Is Too Much Volume?

We could answer this question with the age old cop-out…it depends, but let’s dive deep and first look at what the research has to say. First, we will go to the most recent meta-analysis on the subject by Schoenfeld et al. published in 2016. “Results showed...
Trump Will Be The First Anti-Science President EVER

Trump Will Be The First Anti-Science President EVER

The problem with metabolic wards is well…they are metabolic wards, but as an athlete would you pay $3,000 dollars a month to live in the Costa Rican Rain Forest, eat organic locally sourced meals prepared for you fresh every day, train four times week, and be...
Unraveling the Low-Carb Pro-Carb Debate

Unraveling the Low-Carb Pro-Carb Debate

Many people may think I have put out a lot of Carb-PRO posts of late. But these aren’t really Carb-PRO pieces, they are just not ANTI-Carb. I despise the demonification and fear mongering of macronutrients or foods. It’s just not helpful. We must seek first to...
Cancer – Shut The F$ck Up and LIFT

Cancer – Shut The F$ck Up and LIFT

We have defamed the shit out of fat and now carbohydrates. It was only a matter of time before someone decided to crucify dietary protein. There seems to be this trend in the healthosphere that strength training, increased protein intake, and bulking will immediately...
Getting Shredded Shit Stomps Your Testosterone Levels.

Getting Shredded Shit Stomps Your Testosterone Levels.

Well yea, if you try to lose 15 pounds in a week by only drinking four tablespoons of mangosteen nectar. In this post, I want to compare and contrast three weight loss studies investigating anabolic hormone changes in highly-trained and high-level male athletes. The...

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