Ryan L’Ecuyer has been lifting and researching all aspects relating to training, nutrition, and physical adaptation essentially since conception. His passion lies primarily in hypertrophy/bodybuilding and strength training, but still appreciates the magnitude of variables that affect the body’s ability to adapt to stress. With over 15 years personally in the trenches and 15,000+ hours of coaching experience, Coach L’Ecuyer uses the knowledge gained to continually push the physiological limits of the human organism. In 2014, Ryan achieved professional status as a life-time, drug-free bodybuilder and competes in powerlifting with a 1,537lb PR total. He also enjoys Ska and can still do a kick flip.

Tommy Wood MD, PhD is an elite-level professional nerd who has coached world class athletes in a dozen sports. He has an undergraduate degree in biochemistry from the University of Cambridge, a medical degree from the University of Oxford, and a PhD in physiology and neuroscience from the University of Oslo. Tommy is a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Washington, a Research Scientist at the Institute for Human and Machine cognition, and is on the scientific advisory board of Hintsa Performance. He is also CSO (Chief Snake Officer) at the Costa Rican Center for Bro Research. Tommy lives in Seattle with his wife Elizabeth and their two goofy boxers. In his spare time he can usually be found cooking, reading, or lifting something heavy.

Ben House PhD, CISSN has worked as a Strength and Conditioning Coach and Nutritionist since 2006. House was accepted to medical school without an undergraduate degree, but elected to finish his degree and pursue a career in the health and fitness sector. He finished his Ph.D. and a multi-year metabolic health study within the Nutritional Sciences Department at UT-Austin in 2016. House has numerous publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and has presented his work at multiple international conferences. Ben is currently lifting, researching, and teaching for Bro Research and also works as the Director of Health and Performance at Kollective.