I hate testimonials and not too be cocky, but I have oodles of 1 month, 2 month, and even 6 month testimonials backlogged, but I just can’t bring myself to put them out on social. The fact is I want testimonials 5, 10, and 15 years later because that’s all I really...
Jet Black Hair, An Old TV, and Wants Versus Needs.
Jet black hair hovers around a glass. Red lipstick lines the rim. A man slides out of a leather chair and lets a pale hand go as he moves away. She smiles and waits. Her phone vibrates…her thumb swipes…Room 312 She waits so long it hurts and then she slowly rises and...
Steroids – Why You Should and Shouldn’t Be Scared
I get messages from many men each week that are searching for answers in the realm of male health, specifically testosterone. There is an undertone of fear around this topic in our society. A lot of us think of male physiology as being very robust, untouchable, but...
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