You Decide Who Stays and Who Goes

You Decide Who Stays and Who Goes

This is a free market. Ask for CVs. Ask for resumes. Ask for testimonials. Ask what professionals have done lately to be a leader in their field. Be a smart consumer. It is a powerful job because you decide who stays and who goes.

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Are High Dose Antioxidants KneeCapping Your Training Program?

Are High Dose Antioxidants KneeCapping Your Training Program?

As you exercise and contract your muscles you fire up mitochondria and even healthy mitochondria run hot, leaking out reactive oxygen species (ROS). Think of these like sparks from the fire that if not quenched could put a hole in your brand new t-shirt or lulu pants. When you exercise you are revving up the fire. More sparks and the potential for more holes in your nickers. Intense exercise also upregulates nitric oxide production by 600% which can further produce reactive nitrogen species. The pump is real. These free radicals (such as: superoxide, hydroxyl radical, and peroxynitrite) are controlled by antioxidant systems and when these systems can’t cope with the amount of free radicals produced these free radicals scavenge for electrons from proteins, cell membranes, and DNA. Bad. Many diseases and aging are related to unchecked ROS production.

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Is Paleo the Best Diet?

Is Paleo the Best Diet?

Religions across history have been attaching their followers to the ideology of dietary purity. In ancient times, this was likely for their safety. Yet, now it seems that diets have become religions themselves. The Paleo community is getting less and less stringent with their definition of what exactly is Paleo. The dogmatic among this community likely hate this evolution, but the indisputable fact is that we do not live in the Paleolithic era, and no matter how hard we try (which would be counter productive), we can not recreate that world, nor would we want to. Our goal is to objectively learn from our ancestors, just as it is to objectively learn about ourselves and what foods nourish us and what foods don’t.

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Complete The Cycle

Complete The Cycle

If a duck gets in an altercation with another duck, it goes down, and then the ducks flap their wings for 20 seconds. Done. Game over back to doing normal duck stuff.

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Magnesium – You Aren’t Getting Enough

Magnesium – You Aren’t Getting Enough

Magnesium is one of those miracle supplements if you are deficient. It is estimated that over three quarters of Americans don’t even meet the RDA for Magnesium (400mg for men and 320 mg for women) and for most Magnesium tends to help tremendously with bowel movements, energy, and sleep. Also, if you are a heavy exerciser or under high stress say goodbye to the RDA and please start supplementing or downing smoothies with Swiss Chard and Mackerel. This is because you need magnesium to run the enzymes that make energy and also clear adrenaline.

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Why Physical Therapists Should Start Testing For Polymorphisms in Methylation Enzymes

Why Physical Therapists Should Start Testing For Polymorphisms in Methylation Enzymes

That mouth full of a title is out of the hope that Physical Therapists will read this article and plug into something they may not know they do not know.

I also picked it because what any true health care provider (body worker, acupuncturist, psychiatrist, functional medicine doc, naturopath, shaman, etc) is trying to do is shift autonomics in a society that constantly drives us sympathetic.

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Being Comfortable In Our Own Skin

Being Comfortable In Our Own Skin

“Medieval anatomists called women’s external genitals the “pudendum,” a word derived from the Latin pudere, meaning “to make ashamed.”

-Emily Nagoski

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pH and PRI – The Missing Link?

pH and PRI – The Missing Link?

Don't read this if you are dabbler with your baby toe half way immersed in a warm bath tub. Only read this if you are willing to dive in and swim out to the middle of lake with no knowledge of how far it is or if you will have the energy to get home. Because this post...

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Composting and Context

Composting and Context

Natalie Goldberg came up with this metaphor of composting our experiences. Our minds are a heap of garbage and overtime we sift, marinate, and distill all these experiences and knowledge into something useful, even beautiful.

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An Iron Panel – The Best 15 Dollars You Never Spent

An Iron Panel – The Best 15 Dollars You Never Spent

A lot of people in consults may wonder what the hell is Ferritin? And why does this guy keep chattering about it while spending 10 minutes drawing diagrams about iron.

Well, we need iron to make a ton of enzymes, all neurotransmitters, and hemoglobin. Seventy five percent of iron is delivered to the bone marrow to make red blood cells so that these cells which make up 25% of all the cells in the human body can carry around oxygen. Which all cells (other than RBCs) need to make energy. Important? Umm yes. As Dr. Culleton puts it, “if you are low on iron you are choking from the inside out.” No Bueno. Thus, some of your female athletes may be living anaerobic. This doesn’t sounds like a recipe for success no matter what your interval protocol is.

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Testosterone: The Meat and Potatoes

Testosterone: The Meat and Potatoes

Helping dudes in an educated manor is my passion. I get to do that on a daily basis. It’s a blast and like anything I think there is a lot of science that still needs doing. I also think there are a lot of functional medicine practitioners who are making some fairly bold jumps in the purported efficacy of their protocols. Just like anything this too comes back to dollars. And the wave that plows through both the functional and conventional flaws is unbiased science, education, and questioning. Start paddling.

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