All Food Rules Are Bad!?
All Food Rules Are Bad!? Don’t Succumb to the Food Police BECAUSE If You Do You Are An Uneducated Terrible Awful Insensitive Human! As a nutritional professional, I question my rationality right now trying to hold a line of maybe just maybe it isn’t a bad idea to have...
SLEEP is so Hottt right now…but how much does it really matter?
SLEEP is so Hottt right now…but how much does it really matter? According to national level samples anywhere from 30-45% of adults are not getting enough sleep and upwards of 70% of US adolescents aren’t getting the sleep they need. Reduced sleep can lead to impaired...
Take a second and imagine a football field as the evolution of our species.
Take a second and imagine a football field as the evolution of our species. You see the whole beautiful pristine 100 yards? Now zoom in on that final yard. Cheetos were invented in 1948, meaning that humans have had Cheetos for the last tenth of an inch of that...
I remember sitting in a hipster cafe. It was 12 years ago. CrossFit still felt like Fight Club. A man high up in the underground world said to me casually, "I just eat bacon and crush whatever." I knew this probably wasn't the best chronic choice for...
Where Has All The Glucose Gone?
The human body can get rid of blood sugar without insulin, but NOT gobs of it, and the difference between diabetes and healthy is a mere two paper clips of dissolved sugar in 1.3 gallons of blood. Therefore, if we want to be able to pass the adult marshmallow test...
Do You Need a 6-Pack To Be Healthy?
Being healthy from a body composition standpoint likely means staying between 8 to 17% body fat for men and 16 to 30% for women (1). There will be exceptions to these rules, but right now these are the best lines in the sand that we have. These numbers are likely a...
Nutrition is 80% of your Results is 93.1% Nonsense.
If you are trying to lose a significant amount of weight, Nutrition is probably 100% of your results because running marathons to eat pizzas isn’t a viable long term strategy and trying to exclusively exercise off weight generally doesn’t work too well in the real world.
Crush DHA, Make Nerd Babies
Do you even fish oil, bro?
Thanksgiving Post
If you decide not to eat something tomorrow. Don’t eat it. No one needs to know. If you decide to workout tomorrow. Get it in and then let it go. Your choices might make people uncomfortable. That’s on them...Not you. BUT, don’t turn time with family and friends into...
Changing Your Mind Is a Skill
Being able to change or contextually modify your viewpoint on a subject in the face of appropriate counter evidence is a skill that has to be practiced. Most people don’t know when or how to change their minds. Which is understandable because most people try to change...