Take The Blue Pill

Take The Blue Pill

The problem is wanting to be normal. To take the red pill and stay in WonderLand.

The root of orthorexia and anxiety about food choices is not a problem with food sensitivity testing or elimination diets, it is our environment.

The Female Carbohydrate Conundrum.

The Female Carbohydrate Conundrum.

Men can lose weight and see results and cheat a little bit. I will never tell them this in consults. Women can’t. They have to be damn near perfect week to week and it is so easy for things to slip and wine and chocolate to come rushing back in when life gets hard. I don’t have the perfect solution, all I can do is let them know that I understand and give them as much data and information to be successful.

Body Composition: How Jacked and Tan Can You Get?!

Body Composition: How Jacked and Tan Can You Get?!

Some people choose to watch sleeveless folks who look like they know what they are doing at Lifetime fitness and then sneakily do that 15 minutes later. Others bumble from one Men’s Health plan to another or use some awful training app with enough beeps and buzzers to meltdown a 5 year old. Yet, most trainees have never been through a solid movement evaluation or even a novice level strength training program.

Portion Sizing – You Don’t Have an Eating Disorder.

Portion Sizing – You Don’t Have an Eating Disorder.

My favorite saying when it comes to food quantity is, “Don’t let the Perfect be the enemy of the Good.”

There will never ever be perfection on the food quantity side of your life and to chase it is unhealthy. Let go of it.



I’ll often ask the question to new referrals, “What do you think we do?” and they will say, “I have absolutely no idea, but so and so said you were great!”
And guess whose fault that is?


Everything Testosterone and Exercise

Everything Testosterone and Exercise

Testosterone is somewhat thought of as the holy grail of exercise, especially in the dude circles, but is it really? In this article I go full tilt science and while I wanted it to be entertaining, it must convey important information and to do that we must go down the rabbit hole. To start this conversation you must have an understanding of the male hypothalamic pituitary gonadal (HPG) axis aka how the male body signals the testicles to produce testosterone.

Is It All Worth It?

Is It All Worth It?

Eventually this idea of balance and moderation will come into play. AKA is your life worth living without bagels or wine. This is a very real question and it strikes at the heart of personalization. When you start the process of looking into your health it can get really daunting. I need to filter all my water, buy a new mattress and start doing this thing called being quiet. Ewww. Then months go by and you feel better but isolated.

This is not Sparta.

This is not Sparta.

We have this affliction with Spartans. Gladiators. Warriors. The brutality of how they train. Their relentless toughness and ferocity. I am part of that we, but we have to understand that we do not live in Sparta and we do not live Spartan lives. Sparta was a militarist state and this is reflected in both life and death. If a baby was small or not normal it was thrown off a mountain and soldiers were the only Spartans given marked grave stones.

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