NYC Training and Nutrition 1/2 Day Seminar
Come Get Some.When:
November 2nd, 2017
11am -3pm
*Times will likely go over with Q and A
Drive 495
What will be covered?
Dr. Davidson will go through multiple exercise and eval demos and finish up with a presentation on program design. Dr. House will go over the ins and outs of assessing and building a personalized nutritional program and finish up with case studies and Q and A.
Pat Davidson, PhD, is the author of MASS and MASS 2 and currently resides and works with athletes and general population clients in New York City. Davidson has worked as a professor of Exercise Science at Brooklyn College and Springfield College. Coach Davidson has coached the athletes from Springfield College Team Ironsports and qualified and competed himself in two world championships at the Arnold Classic. He has competed in submission wrestling at the highest level in the North American Grappling Association and has fought professionally in Mixed Martial Arts. Pat is also an author, teacher, and phenomenal scientist. He is constantly searching for ways to train athletes more effectively, as well as how to educate other coaches on these principles.
Ben House, PhD, CFMP, CN, FDN, fNMT, NCSF, USAW LI SPC has worked as a Strength and Conditioning Coach and Nutritionist since 2006. House was accepted to medical school without an undergraduate degree, but elected to finish his degree and pursue a career in the health and fitness sector. He is currently lifting and practicing functional medicine after finishing his PhD and a multi-year metabolic health study within the Nutritional Sciences Department at UT-Austin. House has numerous publications in peer reviewed scientific journals such as The International Journal of Obesity, has presented his work at multiple international conferences, and his passion is researching, writing, and teaching. House puts out at least 300-500 pages of short, medium, and long free content per year and now lives in Costa Rica with his wife Steph and their puppies living the principles he asks others to build into their lives.