Hydration. Better Late Than Never.

Hydration. Better Late Than Never.

I got back to Texas and it's f**cking hot. Really hot. #SweatAngels Now you can debate that this heat makes you tougher and that sweat running into your eyes is fun, but the research shows increased time to fatigue over 88 degrees, and also with increased sweating it...

How To Learn Stuff Good!

How To Learn Stuff Good!

I see so many of people consuming copious amounts of information. The sheer volume of quality intellectual material on the internet is beautiful and daunting. Then someone tells you to listen to this podcast or read this book and you don’t want to be mean so you switch what you are doing and do that. Ohhhh….shiny…new…important. You’re like a hummingbird in a hurricane and you feel like you need to cliff dive into something new every hour to make sure that you don’t miss anything.

The Financials of Doing The Right Thing

The Financials of Doing The Right Thing

“Functional medicine is preferentially serving the needs and interests of the financial upper class, thereby contributing to the very same social inequality that fuels health discrepancies. Originally, functional medicine was based in part on the idea that we could help patients become healthier in a less costly and more efficient manner by treating the causes of the underlying problem.”
-Alex Vasquez DC, DO, ND

You’re Not OCD…Maybe

You’re Not OCD…Maybe

I work with a lot of Type A personalities. They tend to be very successful, very driven, and borderline OCD. You combine this personality trait with a ton of numbers and monitoring and the first few months can be a whirlwind of poop, thesis level emails, and freak outs.

Couples and Diet Challenges

Couples and Diet Challenges

I see a lot of couples who do diet challenges together. Superb.

Support each other.


Also, seek to understand each other and honor those differences.

A Love Hate Relationship with Supplements

A Love Hate Relationship with Supplements

I am always trying to play the devil’s advocate with supplement use.

AKA how can we take them away and replace them with real food items.

Instead of taking magnesium can we face palm cocoa powder? Should we always walk around with Brazil nuts and pistachios jingling around in our pockets?

Moderation is Death

Moderation is Death

“Moderation? It’s mediocrity, fear, and confusion in disguise. It’s the devil’s dilemma. It’s neither doing nor not doing. It’s the wobbling compromise that makes no one happy. Moderation is for the bland, the apologetic, for the fence-sitters of the world afraid to take a stand. It’s for those afraid to laugh or cry, for those afraid to live or die.”

-Dan Millman

Hope Begins In The Dark

Hope Begins In The Dark

“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.”
– Anne Lamott

As The Door Softly Shuts

As The Door Softly Shuts

“A life oriented to leisure is in the end a life oriented to death— the greatest leisure of all.”
-Kenneth Lamott

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